Hospital Security Guards Protect Patients, Staff, and Visitors

healthcare facility

The best security guard providers in the nation have hospital-trained security guards with military and law enforcement backgrounds, able to masterfully handle security and emergency needs. Hospitals can be one of the most stressful environments. Whether a birth, death, or something in between, emotions run high in the hospital.

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Prioritizing School Security in Response to Uvalde Tragedy

school security

The communities surrounding any school shooting are immediately impacted and left to figure out what is next? How do we move forward? Is it possible to make school safer? If so, how? Providing private security guards for schools may be one of the most significant efforts in bringing students safely back to school campuses in the fall.

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Increasing Mall Security for Heavy Summer Traffic

security guard retail mall

Whether it is the assumption that theft at the mall is not significant enough to warrant hiring security guards or merely ignoring the growing risk of loss for retailers, both should be re-addressed before summer kicks in.

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Security Guard Offers Testimony in Johnny Depp’s Case

Off Duty Johnny Dep

It is not surprising that security guards are often called upon to provide testimonies and eyewitness accounts in court cases. Security guards, coming from professional military and law enforcement backgrounds, are incredibly articulate when describing an event or occurrence, providing clarity to the attorneys, jurors, and judge.

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Park Security Guards Ensure Safe Summer Fun

ODO Park Security

Whether a local community park or a city park, parks naturally become more crowded as the summer kicks in. Communities are ramping up with private security to monitor park grounds during peak hours, allowing a safe experience for everyone involved.

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Security Guards Provide Invaluable Disaster Relief

ODO Disaster

Security Guards Provide Invaluable Disaster Relief When disaster strikes, no matter how prepared people are, there always seems to be something unpredicted. Following a disaster, many seek relief through fundraising and community efforts, and in extreme situations, the National Guard will come to provide temporary assistance. After a disaster hits, it takes some time to…

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Workplace Violence on The Rise

employee termination

Employers need to know that to keep business running smoothly, measures must be taken to ensure employees feel safe and ARE safe.
The pressure is to provide extra safety measures as more significant numbers of workers return to the workplace.

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