Security Guards Provide Invaluable Disaster Relief

When disaster strikes, no matter how prepared people are, there always seems to be something unpredicted. Following a disaster, many seek relief through fundraising and community efforts, and in extreme situations, the National Guard will come to provide temporary assistance. After a disaster hits, it takes some time to figure out exactly where the greatest needs are and how to best go about providing shelter and necessities for people and ensuring people's safety in the area. For example, if a building is condemned, proper safety measures must be taken to ensure nobody accesses the structure to avoid danger. Many cities have used the expertise of highly trained security guards to provide staffing and personnel within 24 hours.

Security Guards Supplement Law Enforcement Efforts

Qualified and experienced security guards monitor property that has been damaged and should not be accessed. They also provide safety to those displaced and in temporary buildings for shelter. Emotions run high when someone’s home is destroyed and inaccessible, especially when a loved one is unaccounted for. The best security guards calmly manage these interactions, diffusing potentially elevated responses. Calm, cool, and collected are what security guards provide for those seeking stability in chaos. It is commendable how some of the most professional men and women who serve in these roles can console and comfort with a confidence that is calming and brings order to any scenario. These abilities and skills are significantly due to the most highly trained guards' law enforcement and military backgrounds. Able to place armed and unarmed security guards all over the nation, Off Duty Officers' expert security coordinator can help determine what the best fit for the situation is.

Security Guards Provide Order Following a Disaster

Security guards can establish and maintain order when law enforcement is needed elsewhere. People, when stressed, will seek an authority figure. Instead of bogging down law enforcement with occurrences that security guards are trained to handle allows law enforcement to perform more critical tasks. Choosing to hire security guards after a disaster provides consistency and highly trained men and women on the scene who are trained to handle emergencies of all types and have expert First Aid training.

Devastating events such as Hurricane Katrina, the Northridge Quake, and 9/11 left residents and businesses devastated. Many people were scared, injured, and unable to reach family members. Most cities with common and seasonal natural disaster threats use security guard companies with highly trained personnel in disaster relief. Having the information ahead of time is wise and takes the hassle out of scrambling to find the best security solutions after the fact. Please call ahead or go online for a quote and availability. In a disaster, there are many purposes for private security guards. Reputable and established nationwide providers have experienced security coordinators working diligently to meet the needs of those needing security guard coverage following a disaster.

Security Guards Provide Consistency

Although many people consider themselves calm in the face of a crisis, a devastating event is when the rubber meets the road. Even if someone can stay calm themselves, often survival mode kicks in. Although we witness many heroic efforts in crises, people are instinctively concerned for their own wellbeing. Trained security guards have served in the military and law enforcement and understand the need to help others and protect them before their individual needs. It should not be expected of employees or business owners to respond in this way without proper disaster training. The intense training involved in being the best security guards becomes a natural and first response, which requires extensive and continuous training and testing. Only the most reputable placement firms offer continual training for their security personnel.

Short-Term or Long-Term Security Guard Coverage Following a Disaster

Whether needing security guards for a few days, months, or extended indefinite coverage, nationwide companies have highly trained security guards in all major cities in the United States. Many natural disasters or unexpected events benefit from the immediate dispatch capabilities of the best providers in the nation. Managing injured, disoriented, and scared people are part of disaster relief training and are a unique skill set. Working with confidence to re-direct people to safer areas and ensure hazards are avoided comes naturally and is part of their training. Knowledge of safety measures during and after tornadoes, earthquakes, and hurricanes help security guards determine and find the safest areas for people to find refuge in these scenarios.

Equipped to handle the aftermath of disasters, security guards can handle emergencies and provide excellent protection, deal with emergency alarms and evacuations, and communicate effectively with other emergency agencies. Security guards are able to provide monitoring and assistance during delivery of relief supplies.

Any city that typically experiences seasonal natural disaster warnings would do well to prepare by having an excellent security guard provider ready for the call. Some circumstances can’t be predicted, but a well-established provider will be able to dispatch highly trained guards quickly regardless of the events.

When you need security personnel who aim higher

Call Off Duty Officers, Inc. to find out how we can serve your business.

Off Duty Officers, Inc. provides armed and unarmed, off duty law enforcement and security personnel for both short- and long-term assignments. Contact us for an instant

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