The Best Security Guard-to-Person Ratio for Events


When it is decided that private security guards will be hired for an event, the first question is how many guards are needed. The answer isn’t a simple guard-to-attendee ratio. There are things that should be factored in when making this decision. Working with an experienced private security firm will remove the guesswork for you.

Start with a Free Quote for Services

It doesn’t cost anything to price out the cost of private security. Whether it is a private event for personal or business use, private security guards are a welcome sight for guests, staff, event coordinators, and local law enforcement. Getting a quote for security guard services should never cost anything.

When contacting security guard service providers like Off Duty Officers, Inc., you partner with our specialist, who will ask about the following to determine the best range of guards for your unique needs.

  • What is the primary security concern (a person, property, access, crowd control, etc.)?
  • Is this for a home or business event?
  • If an event, what type (wedding, concert, sports, conference, holiday party)?
  • What is the main demographic (families, adults, seniors, teenagers)?
  • How large of an area is being monitored?
  • Where is the property and its location?
  • How many attendees are expected, and will this overload capacity, parking, etc.?
  • Uniformed security guards or guards wearing black tie or street attire?
  • Armed or unarmed security guards?
  • Will there be alcohol at the event?
  • Is the event by invitation only or public access?

Whether you know how many security guards you want or not, knowing these basic questions can help determine the cost. Cost can be modified to fit budgets, which is why the best security guard providers have many options to make private protection affordable.

Risk Assessment for Security Guard Coverage

A skilled security coordinator will evaluate other important factors that help determine the level of risk and the number of security guards needed to ensure the highest level of safety. Many of the questions above help narrow down the scope of risk and help target areas of concern, threats, and vulnerabilities.

Intimate private events at a public location may only need one unarmed security guard in formal attire. A large public celebration may require multiple guards to ensure complete coverage. Multiple guards allow a team approach to safety, and guards work together with event coordinators to cover any concerns about access, theft, and other threats. Corporate events may want to hire private VIP security guards, a parking lot security guard, and an event access security officer. The number of security guards is determined by many factors that each unique client provides. At Off Duty Officers, Inc., we have a skilled professional security team ready to dispatch and deliver on the various levels of service needed. The ratio of guards to attendees will vary, but security solutions can be tailored to meet the budget while providing necessary coverage for the highest level of safety and security.

Sheer Numbers

Although the number of recommended security officers to person ratio varies on many factors, it is also a numbers game. According to most event data, a good starting ratio is as follows:

<10 attendees = 1 security guard

10-15 attendees = 2 security guards

100-300 attendees = 4-8 security guards

300-1000 attendees = 15-30 security guards

Again, these are loose numbers and are only part of the equation for finding the best security guard-to-person ratio. If law enforcement is on location, these numbers also change. Private security officers are trained in emergency services, offering exceptional coverage and working seamlessly with other emergency services and police. Safety protocols are followed according to the specific client and regulations. The best security guards keep meticulous notes and work discreetly and professionally from start to finish.

Affordable Security Guard Solutions

Although having many security guards may not be within your budget, any security is better than none. Studies have found that the presence of a uniformed security officer, whether armed or not, can deter most criminals from ever acting in the first place. Security presence also identifies and addresses suspicious behaviors discreetly before they become problematic.

Contact Off Duty Officers, Inc. for a hassle-free quote when hiring private security. Our expert security coordinators have matched security guards with clients for over 30 years. Off Duty Officers, Inc. was founded and is operated by retired law enforcement, so we understand the unique needs of different customers and continually work to make safety and security affordable for anyone seeking it. Today, more than ever, people deserve to feel safe when they are out, attending an event, or working at one. Hiring security guards is becoming the standard instead of the exception, and we want to help make this happen to minimize risk, keep people safe, protect your assets, and maintain the integrity of your business or event.

Call (844) 947-1905 today!

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