Pool Security Guards Keep Guests Safe
The weather is warming up, which means big crowds going everywhere that have bodies of water, including community pools, public pools, and waterparks. Anyone responsible for staffing and safety at a facility that involves water understands how critical it is to have the best people on the job because of related safety issues and accidents. Pool security guards keep guests safe. Facilities with water features are likely thinking about keeping visitors and employees safe throughout the hot summer months that will soon be upon us!
Property, amusement, and park managers are gearing up for a great summer by hiring affordable and experienced security guards to serve at these locations. The availability of highly skilled security guards with emergency training means the burden is off summer staff, and people’s safety is treated as the highest priority. As visitors see security presence at pools and waterparks, they will feel peace of mind and know someone can step in in an emergency.
Off Duty Officers, Inc.'s security team is trained and experienced with water facilities and their hazards and risks. We know what to look for and how to mitigate risks and dangers, and we are trained, licensed, and certified in emergency response. Our security guards know when to address suspicious behaviors and how to appropriately handle all situations at pools and waterparks.
Minimizing Risk and Liability by Adding Private Pool Security
Lifeguards may or may not be a requirement, but when there is not one present, it must be posted. Lifeguards are excellent at ensuring the safety of swimmers in the water, but what about everyone else around the pool? Those responsible for protecting guests and visitors can’t afford to have a lifeguard distracted putting on a band-aid when the pool needs to be watched, and other events may occur simultaneously. It will be summer, and everyone will be out near the water, trying to get some relief from the heat! Having uniformed security guards allows lifeguards to do their role without distraction, and working with staff to ensure the safety of guests is the focus. When private security guards are on location, facilities are doing due diligence. They will see fewer crimes and disturbances, which elevates the experience and customer experience while reducing liabilities and costs!
Lifeguards v. Skilled Pool and Waterpark Security Guards
Security officers do not serve as lifeguards. Instead, they establish authority and ensure the safety of guests outside the water by enforcing age limits and restrictions set forth by the facility. Our security officers arrive, do a risk assessment, familiarize themselves with these regulations, and perform their roles meticulously. A uniform presence is a deterrent to illegal activity that may disturb other guests.
Trained security officers can handle drinking or confrontational exchanges as they discreetly use expert de-escalation tactics with guests. On some properties, like hotels, areas are restricted from pool guests for safety reasons, and security guards can inform and guide guests and professionally enforce this when necessary. This skill to work in public settings and address concerns without causing a considerable display is something our officers are trained to do, and they do it with excellence. Let your staff focus on customer service and doing their jobs in a busy season. Let the professional security guards monitor and enforce safety policies and address behavioral concerns as they occur.
Pool and Waterpark Parking Lots
Just picture it. Vans and cars full of family members, floaties, umbrellas, wheel carts, and beach bags. Parking lots of facilities with pools and water features can be a recipe for disaster without the proper staffing and attention they deserve to keep guests safe. Off-duty officers have professionally trained parking lot security guards who identify risks upon arrival, continue to monitor those risks, and ensure people park safely and don’t use the parking lot for a racetrack or other unsafe practices.
The physical presence of a security guard will deter theft, vandalism, illegal activity, tense exchanges between drivers, and the use of unauthorized parking spots and areas. Security guards can direct traffic and, if a lot is full, provide visitors with that information and alternative parking options. If businesses don’t prepare, things go bad quickly, and your guests don’t deserve to be in harm's way!
Save yourself and your business a headache this summer. Contact our security coordinator today to find out how affordable and hassle-free it is to hire private pool security guards. The small upfront investment will save you money in the end because you will have happy guests, your staff will thank you, and people will want to come back!
At Off Duty Officers, Inc., we do not require contracts and have professionally trained officers ready to go at affordable rates. We customize security solutions to meet the specific needs of your pool facility and waterpark and work to find a solution that fits!
When you need security personnel who aim higher
Call Off Duty Officers, Inc. to find out how we can serve your business.
Off Duty Officers, Inc. provides armed and unarmed, off duty law enforcement and security personnel for both short- and long-term assignments. Contact us for an instant