security guards
Providing Security Guards for Schools During the Summer
Providing security guards for school campuses during the summer is the best way to ensure your campus stays safe and protected.
Read MoreGated Communities Deserve High-Level Security Patrol Safety
Gated communities that are invested in the highest level of safety for residents are hiring private residential security guards for peace of mind and exceptional protection.
Read MoreWhat Creates Loyalty in the Security Industry?
Security companies that prioritize their client’s needs focus on satisfaction, retention, and in the process, gain loyalty of employees and customers.
Read MoreStrip Mall Security Guards Are Invaluable to Property Managers
If you manage a strip mall or own a property with multiple retail tenants, it is time to take security and safety seriously. Working with a professional security personnel coordinator makes designing a custom security plan affordable.
Read MoreDo Booth Stations Increase Security Guard Efficiency?
Security guard sheds or booths may be permanent or moveable. Regardless, a manned guard station sends a clear message by providing a fixed location to gain access as well as letting everyone know a trained professional is watching over events and activities.
Read MoreThree Reasons Employees Deserve Quality Security When Returning to the Workplace
Many companies now require employees to return to the workplace after almost three years of remote access. There will undeniably be higher tensions during this transition for companies and employees. There are three significant reasons companies should consider hiring private security guards as employees return to the workplace to ensure workplace safety and continual workflow.
Read MoreSchool Security Is No Longer Optional
As news continues to stream across social media platforms and television hosts share devastating news, the latest Michigan shootings are leading Americans to demand school security. What began as an ideal is now seen as more of a mandate by parents, teachers, and school administrators. School boards and parent advisory groups are being inundated with requests for security at every campus, not just elementary and high schools.
Read MoreIncreasing Productivity Using Qualified Security Guards
Businesses interested in increasing profits and staying at the forefront of their industries always look for ways to provide a better service to their clients and customers. There is a direct correlation between overall productivity to the distribution of responsibilities among staff members. Overwhelmed staff often are not as productive because they are asked to serve in multiple roles. Companies are hiring security guards to allow increased productivity and customer service levels.
Read MoreThe Critical Roles Bank Security Guards Play
Financial institutions are often the target of crime. Bank managers are responsible for protecting customers, employees, property, and every asset inside the walls. It is a significant challenge for any financial institution to monitor security while helping employees meet growing customer needs. The need for experienced bank security guards is increasing nationwide for banks and other financial institutions.
Read MoreMaximizing Construction Site Protection with Professional Security Guards
Construction sites are vulnerable to crime, and hiring private security guards is an increasingly effective way to ensure exceptional protection of assets and property throughout construction timelines.
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