The Critical Roles Bank Security Guards Play

ODO Bank Security

Financial institutions are often the target of crime. Bank managers are responsible for protecting customers, employees, property, and every asset inside the walls. It is a significant challenge for any financial institution to monitor security while helping employees meet growing customer needs. The need for experienced bank security guards is increasing nationwide for banks and other financial institutions.

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Substations Increase Security Guards in Response to Increasing Attacks

ODO Power Grid

Americans rely heavily on power for work, school, and living. In five Pacific Northwest states, power substation attacks have increased since first seen in 2017. The rate of attacks is alarming. In an effort to prevent vandalism, suspicious behavior, and activity, substations are working with reputable security providers.

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Security Guards Provide Protection at 24-Hour Businesses

ODO Gas Station Late

Businesses that offer customers 24-hour access are beginning to recognize it is necessary to provide security personnel on location to protect employees, customers, and assets on the property. Gas stations and grocery stores are some of the few businesses that still offer 24-hour access. Due to the nature of these businesses and the typical lack of security guards, these locations are becoming more frequent targets for criminals and loiterers. Hiring private security personnel is a solid and affordable solution for all 24-hour businesses.

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Preventative Security Personnel Save Time and Money

ODO Security Checking Equipment

Any corporation with active construction and manufacturing sites should consider the value added by having long-term security personnel trained in preventative maintenance. Safety departments are finding room in their budgets to include security personnel to serve as an expert in the facility of equipment and overall safety, saving significant time and money. Construction companies and manufacturing facilities automatically gain designated “boots on the ground” personnel to monitor activity and provide a proactive approach to preventative maintenance.

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