The Escalating Threat of Construction Equipment Theft

Austin Construction

As construction equipment theft continues to rise, with criminals emboldened by lenient legal repercussions, the construction industry must fortify its defenses. While various security measures have their place, the role of security personnel—armed or unarmed—stands out as the most effective deterrent.

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Security Guards – Beyond Access Control on Construction Sites

construction site security

The role of security guards on construction sites transcends the traditional perception of gatekeeping and surveillance. Their multifaceted responsibilities encompass risk assessment, emergency response, asset protection, conflict resolution, and collaboration with various stakeholders.

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Dispelling Five Security Guard Myths One at a Time

friendly black security guard mall

In some capacity, we see security guards every day. Whether at the gate of a community, the lobby of the bank, or monitoring crowd control at busy malls, security guards have become part of the backdrop of American living. Business owners and managers who use professional security guard services have moved beyond the doubts and misconceptions around the investment and found safety and security on the other side.

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Why Parking Lot Security Guards Are A Necessity This Holiday Season

parking lot security guard

Businesses, especially retailers, understand the value of high-quality security guards during the busy holidays. What is less known is the incredible value of security guards protecting parking lots. One in ten property crimes takes place in parking lots and garages. Businesses should take extra measures during the upcoming holidays to ensure the safety of their employees, consumers, and delivery drivers.

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Do Booth Stations Increase Security Guard Efficiency?

ODO Security guard booth

Security guard sheds or booths may be permanent or moveable. Regardless, a manned guard station sends a clear message by providing a fixed location to gain access as well as letting everyone know a trained professional is watching over events and activities.

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Is Austin’s Sprawling Skyline Starting to Resemble Silicon Hills?


As the beautiful city of Austin continues to attract newcomers to Texas, big technology companies are getting on board. The result is the breathtaking skyline looking more like Silicon Valley. Some call Austin Silicon Hills since big technology looks to Texas as their new home. Technology corporations are hiring security guards during the transition and beyond.

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Financial Institutions Enforce Safety with Security Guards

bank money exchange

Banks and financial institutions are facing new challenges when it comes to security. Handling money, people’s valuables and irreplaceable documents make banks one of the industries with the highest demand for security guards. Live patrol enhances security measures such as cameras, access monitoring, and emergency alarms.

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What Are the Benefits of Live Guard Patrols?

guard at night

What Are the Benefits of Live Guard Patrols? Do you own or operate a commercial building? Are you responsible for maintaining a hospital facility? Do you manage a large construction site? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you should seriously consider hiring live guard patrols to protect your property. Live guards provide…

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